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The Lattice Boltzmann Method : Principles and Practice
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Détails sur le produit
Relié: 694 pages
Editeur : Springer International Publishing AG; Édition : 1st ed. 2017 (7 novembre 2016)
Collection : Graduate Texts in Physics
Langue : Anglais
ISBN-10: 3319446479
ISBN-13: 978-3319446479
Dimensions du produit:
15,5 x 3,8 x 23,5 cm
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504.247 en Livres (Voir les 100 premiers en Livres)
This is excellent book for grad. students and researcher who want to explore LBM (like myself) . I bought quite a few LBM books, most of them just presents a brief discussion on LBM concept and mostly focuses on coding script. In my opinion, this is the first book to offer detail LBM fundamentals. Thanks the authors to publish such great book.
I access this book through university library. There are many LBM books out there, and I have perused many of them. This book was by far the most logically organized and easiest to follow for me - a graduate student who didn't have extensive prior experience in computational hydrodynamics. The book covers a set of relevant LBM topics in a level akin to an introductory graduate level course, but written in a very enjoyable tone that helps specially if you are self-studying. If you come across something unclear at the first glance, you can pretty much count on the book to provide further explanations, examples, or references for further reading. It provides detailed explanations of the essentials you need to understand LBM. I specifically liked the organization of the book in terms of what the authors decided to include versus what they decided to leave out but refer to outside scientific literature. The book includes a set of carefully chosen literature when you are ready to move on to advanced implementations of LBM. Authors use notations that seem to be standard in the field, which helps when you read peer-reviewed articles. They also provide a range of example implementations of LBM for various architectures, which helped me get started using LBM for my graduate research. Also there are are very helpful tips for optimizing your code.
This is a very good book for learning LBM. I especially like the organization. It is a pretty thick book but it guides you well on the parts (chapters and sub-chapters) that you have to read based on your interest and level of familiarity on the method.
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